

Jeffrey Alberts

Jeffrey Alberts

Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

Research Interests
ontogeny of species-typical behavior; maturation of sensory and physiological processes; development of learning and memory

Farrah Bashey-Visser

Farrah Bashey-Visser

Senior Lecturer, Biology

Senior Lecturer, Human Biology

Research Interests
ecology, evolution, microbial interactions and pathogenesis

Randall D. Beer

Randall D. Beer

Provost Professor, Cognitive Science

Provost Professor, School of Informatics and Computing

Research Interests
embodied; situated and dynamical approaches to behavior and cognition; evolutionary robotics; computational neuroscience; theoretical biology

Heather Bradshaw

Heather Bradshaw

Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

  • hbbradsh@iu.edu
  • (812) 856-1559
  • Multidisciplinary Science Building II 116

Research Interests
cannabinoid pharmacology; neurobiochemistry; lipidomics

Erica Cartmill

Erica Cartmill

Professor, Anthropology,

Professor, Cognitive Science

  • ericac@iu.edu
  • Student Building 238

Research Interests
Evolution of language and social cognition, Gesture, Primate communication, Parent-infant interaction, Language and thought, Assessing cognition in AI systems, Multimodality, SETI

Jonathon D. Crystal

Jonathon D. Crystal

Provost Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

  • jcrystal@iu.edu
  • (812) 856-2246
  • Multidisciplinary Science Building II 224

Research Interests
comparative cognition; episodic memory; metacognition; time perception; circadian rhythms; learning and memory; disorders of memory (e.g., alzheimer's)

María de la Paz Fernández

María de la Paz Fernández

Assistant Professor, Biology

  • fernanm@iu.edu
  • Biology Bldg. A502

Research Interests
neuronal control of behavior; circadian rhythms; sex differences in the nervous system; behavioral genetics

Adam M. Fudickar

Adam M. Fudickar

Lecturer, Program in Animal Behavior

Adjunct Lecturer, Biology

Associate Scientist, Environmental Resilience Institute

  • afudicka@iu.edu
  • (812) 855-5895
  • CISAB House, 409 N. Park Ave. Room Number 104

Research Interests
regulation of seasonal traits, conservation, Behavior, Ecophysiology

Justin R. Garcia

Justin R. Garcia

Ruth N. Halls Associate Professor, Gender Studies

Director, The Kinsey Institute

Associate Research Scientist, The Kinsey Institute

Bicentennial Professor, Indiana University

Research Interests
intersections of biology and gender; evolutionary and biocultural models of human behavior; romantic and sexual relationships

Laura Hurley

Laura Hurley

Professor, Biology

Associate Chair for Teaching, Biology

Director, REU Program in Animal Behavior

Research Interests
evolution; ecology; behavior

Frederika Kaestle

Frederika Kaestle

Associate Professor, Anthropology

Director, Ancient DNA Laboratory of Molecular Anthropology

Research Interests
molecular anthropology; molecular evolution; population genetics; ancient DNA

Ellen D. Ketterson

Ellen D. Ketterson

Distinguished Professor, Biology

Science Advisor and Founding Director,Environmental Resilience Institute

Affiliate Faculty, Cognitive Science

Affiliate Faculty, Neuroscience

Research Interests
behavior; ecology; evolution

Sachiko Koyama

Sachiko Koyama

Associate Scientist in Anatomy and Cell Biology, Medical Sciences Program

Research Interests
olfactory communication, olfactory neuroscience; influences of pheromones on social behaviors, adult neurogenesis, sperm activity and spermatogenesis, mammary glands, milk, and the next generation; microscopic analysis of cell movements; history of animals in human culture, history of keeping birds in Japan

Cris Ledón-Rettig

Cris Ledón-Rettig

Assistant Professor, Biology

Research Interests
the role of developmental and behavioral plasticity in adaptive evolution

Curt Lively

Curt Lively

Distinguished Professor, Biology

Research Interests
evolution and coevolution; sex, virulence and genetic diversity in host-parasite interactions

Elisabeth A. Lloyd

Elisabeth A. Lloyd

Chair, History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine

Adjunct Professor, Biology

Adjunct Professor, Philosophy

Affiliated Faculty Scholar, Kinsey Institute

Adjunct Faculty, Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior

Christopher F. Martin

Christopher F. Martin

Adjunct Faculty, Animal Behavior

Adjunct Faculty, Informatics

  • cmartin@indyzoo.com
  • Indianapolis Zoo

Research Interests
animal-computer interactions, nonhuman primate cognition

Armin Moczek

Armin Moczek

Professor, Biology

Research Interests
developmental mechanisms and regulation in eukaryotic systems; evolution genomics and bioinformatics

Christena Nippert-Eng

Christena Nippert-Eng

Professor, Informatics

Adjunct Professor, Sociology

Animal Computer Interaction Track Director

  • cnippert@iu.edu
  • Informatics West (919 E. 10th Street) 223

Research Interests
computing, culture, and society privacy

Laura Perry

Laura Perry

Adjunct Faculty

Conservation Consultant, Castlerock Conservation

  • lperry@castlerock-solutions.co.uk

Research interests:
behavioral psychology, human dimensions of wildlife, human wildlife conflict, behavior change, conservation planning

Conservation Consultant, Castlerock Conservation
Operating under Castlerock Solutions Ltd.

P. David Polly

P. David Polly

Professor, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Robert R. Shrock Professor, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Research Associate, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago

Adjunct Professor, Biology

Adjunct Professor, Anthropology

Research Interests
vertebrate paleontology; comparative morphological variation at the level of the metapopulation; and the effects of Quaternary climate change on vertebrate faunas

Kimberly Rosvall

Kimberly Rosvall

Associate Professor, Biology

Research Interests
evolution of behavior; neuroendocrine mechanisms of behavior; physiological mechanisms of phenotypic plasticity and adaptation; sexual selection; behavioral genomics; behavioral ecology

Stephanie A. Sanders

Stephanie A. Sanders

Provost Professor, Gender Studies

Department Chair, Gender Studies

Peg Zeglin Brand Chair, Gender Studies

Senior Scientist, The Kinsey Institute

Research Interests
sexual behavior; sexuality, sexual identity, and gender relations; sex differentiation

Tom Schoenemann

Tom Schoenemann

Associate Professor, Anthropology

Research Scientist, The Stone Age Institute

Director, Human Brain Evolution Laboratory

Co-Director, Open Research Scan Archive at Penn

Faculty Member, Cognitive Science

Research Interests
coevolution of brain and behavior; evolution of language; functional morphology of the brain; human variation; modeling evolutionary hypotheses; mathematical image analysis

Dale Sengelaub

Dale Sengelaub

Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

Adjunct, Biology

Research Interests
development of the nervous system; plasticity of neural structure and function

Robert Shumaker

Robert Shumaker

Adjunct Faculty, Animal Behavior

Adjunct Faculty, Anthropology

VP, Conservation and Life Sciences, Indianapolis Zoo

  • rshumaker@indyzoo.com

Research Interests
great ape mental abilities; symbolic representation; tool use and manufacture in all animals

 Jason Tennessen

Jason Tennessen

Associate Chair for Research and Facilities, Biology

Associate Professor, Biology

Research Interests
developmental mechanisms and regulation in eukaryotic systems

Peter Todd

Peter Todd

Provost Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

Director, Cognitive Science Program

Research Interests
cognitive science; social psychology

W. Dan Tracey

W. Dan Tracey

Professor, Biology

Linda and Jack Gill Chair of Neuroscience

Research Interests
neural circuits; molecular mechanisms of pain and touch; optogenetics; optical recording of neuronal activity

Sydney Trask

Sydney Trask

Assistant Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

**Reviewing graduate applications for Fall, 2025**

  • strask@iu.edu
  • S2 112
Michael J. Wade

Michael J. Wade

Distinguished Professor, Biology

Research Interests
behavior; evolution; microbial interactions and pathogenesis

Michael Wasserman

Michael Wasserman

Director of the Primate Environmental Endocrinology Laboratory (PEEL)

Associate Professor, Anthropology

Associate Professor, Human Biology

  • mdwasser@iu.edu
  • 302 MSB-II

Research Interests
primate ecology and evolution; environmental endocrinology; nutritional anthropology; evolutionary medicine; conservation and sustainability

Cara Wellman

Cara Wellman

Director, Program in Animal Behavior and Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior

Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences

  • wellmanc@iu.edu
  • (812) 855-4922
  • Multidisciplinary Science Building II 202

Research Interests
mechanisms of behavior; neuroscience

Justin N Wood

Justin N Wood

Associate Professor, Informatics

  • woodjn@iu.edu
  • Informatics West 227

Research Interests
bioinformatics and computational biology; artificial intelligence; complex networks and systems; intelligent interactive systems; machine learning; cognitive science