We offer several fellowships and grants to help support our graduate students’ education, research, and other activities. We also encourage you to work with the University Graduate School to locate additional financial awards.
Funding Opportunities
Current graduate and postdoctoral students are eligible for up to 12 months of stipend support through opportunities offered by both the Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior (CISAB) and the Common Themes in Reproductive Diversity (CTRD). Applications are due early in the Spring Semester. More information, including submission deadlines, can be found at the links below.
CISAB may award up to $750 to a graduate student or postdoc to present at a national or international meeting. All requests for funding should include the names and email addresses of two CISAB faculty who have agreed to sponsor your request. To apply, click on the link below to access the IU Scholarships application. Once there, search for CISAB Travel Award to get started.
Goodson Prize for Art in Science
Dr. Jim Goodson was a vibrant and integral part of the CISAB community, and his loss in August 2014 continues to be felt deeply. Jim was of course a consummate neuroscientist and critical thinker. In addition, he was extraordinarily gifted at capturing the beauty of his science via images, of both his study subjects and his histological material. These images were striking enough to grace the covers of many journals, and made for beautiful artwork on the walls of Jim’s lab, as well as on many CISAB brochures and webpages. Jim happily spent hours at the microscope in pursuit of the image that would bring his science to life. His multi-colored images of the brain were not only stunningly beautiful, but were tremendously effective in communicating the complexity and organization of the nervous system.

To honor Jim’s memory and his belief in the explanatory power of a compelling scientific image, we have established the Goodson Prize for Art in Science. This yearly award recognizes outstanding research images from CISAB members that are not just scientifically meaningful but are also beautiful. Submissions are invited each spring, and the winner is announced at the Animal Behavior Conference. Winning images are showcased both in the CISAB house and on our website.
All CISAB graduate funding opportunities are available to IU CISAB members only. IU faculty, graduate students, teachers, postdoctoral associates and technicians may apply for CISAB membership by contacting us with a brief note of interest.