Student Experience

Interested in joining a student club or organization?

As the student affiliate organization of Concerned Scientists at IU, we similarly promote scientific education, evidence-based policy, and the continuation of scientific research through a multi-dimensional approach. Whether you are a scientist, a journalist, an artist, a policy researcher, or simply a supporter of science, we can use all of your skills for advocacy! We hope you join us in the fight for maintaining the integrity of science in both education and legislation.

Interested in learning more?
Follow Instagram: @asiu_bloomington

Join the GroupMe:

Join the BeInvolved: 

Contact Email:

The Animal Club at Indiana University is a group of animal-loving students that serve local animal shelters and rescues through volunteering and fundraising. In past years, the club has worked with a variety of animals from cats and dogs to rabbits and farm animals. Club meetings and social events provide opportunities for students to meet others, interact with animals, and have fun! 

Please follow the link below to become an official member:
Fill Out our Membership Form


Bloomington Birders is an official Audubon On-Campus Chapter, dedicated to birds and bird conservation. Members of this club are encouraged to attend biweekly birdwatching trips along with attending various events dedicated to birds and local conservation efforts. Join the GroupMe here:

Contact Information:
Address: 505 S Swain Ave, Bloomington, IN 47401
Contact Email:
Phone Number: 317-979-1301

The Equestrian Team at Indiana University is about 35 members strong, approximately half of which are competitive. Aside from horse shows there are many socials, demonstrations, fundraisers, volunteer opportunities, clinics, campus events, and other horse-related activities offered to club members throughout the year. We have something to offer everyone! Our members come from a variety of different riding backgrounds, some with little to no previous horse experience. The beauty of being a club sport is that there are very few requirements; the level at which you participate is totally up to you. The Equestrian Team is a great way to learn new things, improve your skills, and make friends! Please email if you are interested in joining us.

Contact Information:
Address: WIC 290, Bloomington, IN 47405

We are a group of students with a mission to educate, fundraise, and volunteer with the Indiana Canine Assistant Network (ICAN). ICAN focuses not only on the service dogs in the program but on the individuals involved in this process.

ICAN was one of the first organizations to begin training service dogs in prisons to provide the means to reintegrate into society. This is done through the use of specialized training in order to maximize the skills necessary to be a successful service dog. These dogs are then carefully paired with disabled individuals to offer a more independent lifestyle.

ICAN Service Dogs at Indiana University works closely with this organization to provide a better understanding of the mission of this program through fundraising and volunteering. 

To join, please email for more information!
Contact Information:
Address: IMU Student Activities Tower, Room 489
900 E 7th St, Bloomington, IN 47405
Contact Email:

Learn to identify Indiana natives. Field trips, hiking, volunteering, fun! Based in Bloomington, IN

reptileclubiu on Instagram, DM to get involved! Join our GroupMe!

Contact Kaylen Ohlwine at or text (260) 353-9109.

Lights out Bloomington is a local chapter working to reduce bird window collisions. Lights Out is a national organization that works with building managers and cities to prevent bird deaths and save energy by promoting bird-safe buildings and reducing nighttime lighting.

During the 2022, Wanamaker’s team monitored 26 buildings on the campus with a team of three undergraduates and one master's student during spring and fall migrations.

Contact information:
Sarah Wanamaker


The purpose of this club is to educate students about the benefits of a career in the animal field, including animal wellness, knowledge of conservation, and research/internship opportunities, while also volunteering at local organizations, providing opportunities for networking/outreach, and advocating for the Animal Behavior program. Ask to join our GroupMe!

Contact Information:
Contact Email:
Phone Number: 307-267-9521