Internships available for Companion + Farm Animal focus
Companion + Farm Animal
- Animal Emergency & Referral Associates
- Visit the Animal Emergency & Referral Associates Website
- Arlington Heights Veterinary Hospital
Bloomington, Indiana
- Big Star Stables
Bloomington, Indiana
Founded out of a deep passion for horses, Big Star Stables is committed to offering top-quality horse breeding, training, grooming, and boarding services in Bloomington. Interns at Big Star Stables will gain skills and knowledge of horse care and will be an important part of keeping operations running smoothly.
- BloomingPaws
Bloomington, Indiana
- Bloomington Animal Care and Control
Bloomington, Indiana
Bloomington Animal Care and Control is the primary provider of animal-related services for Bloomington and Monroe County. Its principal activities include sheltering stray and unwanted animals; connecting lost companion animals with their homes; maintaining the pet adoption program, both at the Animal Shelter and at off-site locations; maintaining a fostering program in which shelter companion animals reside in temporary homes; educating the community about animal care and behavior via guided tours of the shelter, free literature, and expert advice from staff; producing a weekly television program (Pets Without Partners), including education on animal care and behavior and featuring companion animals available for adoption; enforcing animal control ordinances; investigating cruelty and neglect cases; and providing 24-hour emergency rescue for injured animals. Volunteers and interns provide dog walking, cat care services, take photos of available animals, write pet descriptions, provide socialization and extra attention to animals in need, conduct animal personality tests, assist with clerical needs, and serve as Adoption Counselors to help potential adopters find a well-suited companion animal for their home.
- Combs Veterinary Clinic
Bloomington, Indiana
- Downers Grove Animal Hospital
Downers Grove, Illinois
- Fabulous Fur Pet Grooming Salon
Bloomington, Indiana
- Florida Wildlife Hospital
Melbourne, Florida
- Furry Friends Veterinary Hospital
Bloomington, Indiana
- Home4Good Rescue
Farmington, Utah
- Humane Society of the United States Black Beauty Ranch
Murchison, Texas
Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch is the only HSUS site currently approved other programs/sites will require approval.
- ICAN- Indiana Canine Assistant Network
Zionsville, Indiana - Headquarters
Indiana Univeristy Bloomington has a local chapter.
- Independent Cat Society
Westville, Indiana
- Mad 4 My Dog Training, LLC
Ellettsville, Indiana
Founded in 2004 by CISAB graduate Madalyn McKenney, Mad 4 My Dog Training, LLC is a state-of-the-art professional dog training business. Situated on over an acre of property in Ellettsville, Indiana, Mad 4 My Dog Training's facility boasts training, grooming, dog-walking, and even retail services. At the core of M4MD's training program is the philosophy that proper communication between dogs and people is the cornerstone of effective training. Internships at Mad 4 My Dog Training immerse students in the professional dog training industry; responsibilities include: assisting trainers during classes, assisting clients, sales tasks, administrative duties, and business/building upkeep. Internships at M4MD are a unique opportunity to apply animal behavior knowledge in a small-business setting.
- Marble Hill Farm
Bloomington, Indiana
Located about 10 miles southwest of town on Victor Pike, Marble Hill Farm raises Angus cattle, Shetland sheep, and laying hens, as well as horses, donkeys and goats. Opportunities for interns include participating in research projects investigating multi-species foraging behavior in a rotational grazing system, internal parasites and forage type and quality, and social behaviors in relationship to feed intake, weight gain and reproductive success. Interns will work around different livestock and learn animal and health management strategies on an organic small farm. The Farm is especially interested in addressing issues of sustainability and food systems, both in their farming practicing and outreach efforts. They host biannual events (e.g., Spring Shearing Day, Fall Harvest) where students can share their expertise and knowledge with the public.
- Mannered Mutts Training
Bloomington, Indiana
- Monroe County Humane Society
- Visit the Monroe County Humane Society Website
- Pawsitive Partners Dog Training Center
Indianapolis, Indiana
- PALS - People and Animal Learning Services
Bloomington, Indiana