Conservation + Sustainability + Wildlife Management and Rehabilitation

Conservation + Sustainability + Wildlife Management and Rehabilitation

** If you see 2 Asterisks these internships we know require student fees to participate.

Finca Las Piedras, Peru

Visit The Alliance for a Sustainable Amazon Website


Gloucester, Massachusetts

Visit The Cape Ann Whale Watch's Website

Visit The Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding Website

Global Sites

Only the Bali Sea Turtle Rescue project is approved all other sites and GoEco programs will require approval. 

See the GoEco - Bali Sea Turtle Rescue Website

Valparaiso, Indiana

Visit Human Indiana

Various Locations in Indiana

See The Indiana DNR Website

Nashville, Indiana

Visit The Indiana Raptor Center Website

Gulfport, Mississippi

Visit The Institute for Marine Mammal Studies Website 

Currently, only the Costa Rica site is an approved site. Other sites will require the approval process.

Visit The International Volunteer HQ Turtle Conservation Project Website



Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental Philippines

Visit the Marine Conservation Philippines Website

Vist the Marine Discoveries Website

Valparaiso, Indiana

Visit The Moraine Wildlife Rehab Center Website


Bluffton, Indiana

Located in northern Indiana, Ouabache (Wabash) State Park is home to a small herd of bison.The Ouabache State Park bison are direct descendants of the original Yellowstone herd.  Interns have the opportunity to learn bison husbandry. Intern duties include bison pen maintenance, feed station maintenance and improvements, assisting with weekly feeding,  attending at least two bison presentations, updating the Park Bison Binder, assisting with design of new Bison interpretive signs, and assisting with other park needs.

Visit The IDNR Ouabache State Park Website

Visit the PEAK Animal Sanctuary Website
Visit the Pipsqueakery Website

Key Largo, Florida

Visit The Quiescence Diving Services Website

South Bend, Indiana

Visit The Rescue Release Repeat Website

South Africa

Visit The Running Wild Cheetah Conservation Website

Suisun Marsh, California

Visit The Suisun Marsh and Wildlife Center Website

Various Locations in Southern Indiana

Sycamore Land Trust is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit conservation organization that has been protecting land, restoring habitat, and connecting people to nature in southern Indiana since 1990.

Find nature preserves to hike, discover a new habitat, and share the great outdoors with family and friends. Sycamore owns and cares for more than 11,418 acres on over 141 protected properties and maintains over 30 miles of trails on 13 preserves for free public use.

See The Sycamore Land Trust Website

Visit the Utopia Wildlife Rehabilitators Website

San Diego, California

Visit The U.S. Navy Marine Mammal Program Website

Bloomington, Indiana

WildCare Inc. provides wildlife-related services to Monroe and surrounding Counties. Their mission is to provide professional care to sick, orphaned and injured native wildlife then re- releasing them back to their natural habitat. Since 2001, they have taken in over 16,000 critters, including birds of prey, songbirds, reptiles, amphibians, opossums, raccoons, and deer. WildCare strives to meet all federal and state regulations for rehabilitation practices through continual education and working closely with local veterinarians. As an organization they offer many volunteer and intern opportunities such as direct animal care, cage building, fundraising and education. Volunteers are provided the chance to learn to care for these animals through hands on experience and training.

Visit The WildCare Website