Dawn O'Neal
CTRD has very much shaped the way I think about science education and mentorship. Courses like Techniques in Reproductive Diversity demonstrated that with careful instruction and hands-on experiences, topics across a variety of disciplines can be accessible and influence both overall scientific literacy and future research experiences. I currently teach a high school program modeled after the Techniques class, bringing in researchers from all over the country to introduce ecological concepts and methodology, because of the great impact that course had on my research and the way I thought about science- so much so that I wished I had taken it sooner in my research career. Additionally, the breadth and depth of concepts covered has given me a solid science background and made me very flexible when it comes to mentoring students and speaking to the general public. I don't shy away from topics because they aren't my expertise having had experiences/discussions/mentorship from researchers and professors who are at the top of their fields.